Shubh Arya
2 min readJul 12, 2020

We’re destined to meet at least tens of thousands of people throughout the lifetime and it’s very important how you interact with them, especially the first impression. We all have come across the saying, “YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION IS YOUR LAST IMPRESSION”, which honestly is very true as it creates an image about your personality inside the person you meet. Your first impression helps a person to remember your identity even if you meet them just for a couple of minutes. If we question ourselves that is it fair to judge a person the minute we meet them, because it’s kind of unjust for the people for who are introverts, scared of being judged, and many more reasons to not interact with the people very confidently.

Confidence, courage, and being certain are some very important qualities a person should have in themselves. A person isn’t born with all of these qualities, rather these are inculcated within a person after they conquer their fear of social phobia. For example, if a person takes a big step in their life about opening up to people or to society, they still have some doubt in themselves about this big step due to lack of confidence then that results in a bad first impression. Now according to the saying, this impression doesn’t satisfy or meet people’s expectations very well and they end up judging that person who is not bold enough. This leaves a sense of dejection on the person for that decision which automatically leads to regret trying to be more confident.

Judging a person on his first impression might be harsh or a bit thick because the person may act very confident in the beginning and might end up being a creep or another person who is actually good-hearted but wasn’t able to give a first good impression due to poor communication skills.

Quite a few people who don’t give their best shot and don’t give up, try to figure out their faults and fix them irrespective of people’s opinions about them. On the other hand, the rest of the people who don’t have enough will to try again and get easily affected by people’s opinions have a hard time living with their lives and most never get over this fear or maybe worse death.

The point over here is that the first impression is pretty much important but people shouldn’t make the mistake of judging someone on their first interaction and rather be a little patient and try to get to know them and then judge them for what they are good at. This might also help them to think that the world is not cruel after all and help will always be available to those who honestly seek it.

